Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Reckitt Benckiser one of the leading global brands in household, health care and personal care products organized a three day workshop for its management trainees and some selected staff. The workshop was facilitated by Learning impact’s Gbitse Barrow, Mr Sunday and Teddy Danjuma at their facility in Lagos. 
The workshop was designed and developed to equip management trainees at the beginning of their career at Reckitt Benckiser. The workshop also exposed the participants to some interesting learning on how to become people of influence, developing teamwork,  workplace etiquette, basic excel skill, public speaking and presentation as well as the concept of emotional intelligence.
Here are some of the interesting shots from the event. enjoy

Cross section of participants

Mrs Ayo working on her workbook

Charles and Juliet taking down notes

Charles, Juliet, Edeje and Mayowa in a group discussion

Mrs Angela writing down points

Festus and Edeje concentrating as they learn

Tolu, Harriet and Festus working on a group task

Mr Adegoke taking down notes

Mr Kunle concentrating on his workbook

Tolu making a contribution

Mrs Bola and Mr Kunle in learning mood

Participants in an activity

Gbitse making a point

Lunch time

participants finding their place in an activity

Gbitse answering a question

Group activity

Gbitse giving out instructions

Toro and Tolu in a one-on-one activity

Mr Sunday during the excel session

Gbitse presenting certificate to Juliet

Edeje happily receiving her certificate

Tolu receiving her certificate

Group picture with the management trainees

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